Skin Surgery
For more persistent issues that conservative measures may have failed to work
Why would surgery be needed?
Some lesions or ingrown nails can be more persistent and need a more complex treatment. Problematic verrucae, painful large neurovascular corns, skin lesions or even certain types of ingrown nails may require a more invasive procedure to help rectify the problem - this is where skin surgery comes in.
Not readily available in podiatry clinics
Despite all podiatrists being trained in basic dermatology as well as having surgical experience for the removal of nails, extended scope training is required for podiatrists to do these types of procedures. We are the only private podiatry clinic in the East of Scotland to be able to offer these types of procedures on site.
What will I feel?
Due to the more invasive nature of these types of treatments, the surgery is undertaken under a local anaesthetic. The injection itself can be a little uncomfortable, but the idea is that the area is totally numb while the surgery is being done. After the procedure patients can remain numb for a few hours, with some mild discomfort when the anaesthesia wears off.